Friday, March 12, 2010

Working for the weekend

Ever stop to wonder, how did we end up with a five day work week? Why not four or three? Who decided that the best time of the week, the weekend must be the shortest part of the week?

Why must work be the longest part of the week! Forcing us to use our vacation time to shorten the work week and lengthen our weekend...what a waste of vacation time. If we worked less we would have more vacation to use for other things rather than the five day work week!

I call for a revolution, a rising up of all ranks from the lowest of totem pole to the top of the ladder, we can all unite as this is a cause we can all believe in....I say we demand a shorter work week as we have neglected the weekend long enough. lets stop treating the weekend like the proverbial red headed step child!

Wow this one kinda got away form me, but I think I impressed myself!

Take it as you can get it!

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