Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Move Biaatchhh get out da Way!!!!!!!!

I love the people in your life who are the first to stand up and declare, I am the one who has the answers you seek!

WRONG! Once you hit them with what you want, oh, uh wait I am not really the person to be asking. I definitely want all of the credit, and I am awesome at what I do, really. But, I don't want to have to prove it!

Fucking Jokes!

Why does it only take one person to accept all the credit, but so many other(including the credit monger) to screw it all up! Why do some assign others to solve issues, and everything gets fucked up, and no one knows who, out of the plethora of hands, is the best person to go to DIRECTLY to help solve it....really?! Whether it be work, or a mechanic or grocery store..you know what FUCK IT! If you are the person people depend on to get them answers, get them the answers or point them in the right direction and get the Fuck out of their way. If you can't assist then get the fuck out of the way. If you are not part of of or willing to be part of the solution...fuck off!

I personally am not the kind of person who suffers fools...if you can't help me after you assured me you were the one, then overt your eyes and do not speak to me. You are of no use!!! Get it?

Peace out and Fuck Off!

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