Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Which way did they go?

Why do people in our lives, more than others, always are the first to tell you I can help, or you should have asked me! Why are these people always the last to actually help you, but are the first ones to ask you for help? Seems like a simple solution would be to tell them to fuck off, right?! Yet, most of these people are my superiors. Entertaining as it may be to see them squirm when making ridiculous decisions when they have no background to rely on. Whenver they need you, theres no place to hide, yet when you need them, they log off, close up there computers, lock their office leave the building and turn off all cell phones. A bit exaggerated but illustrates my point. It just reinforces the idea that shit will always rund to the lowest point, and no matter how hard you try to brush it out of your lap, you just end up with it all over your hands and legs. I am not sure at what point our superiors began needing more of our help to do their job then we need from them to do ours. Who is leading the pack and which direction is the pack going?


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