Friday, March 12, 2010

I Am Therfore I am Entitled

Its your lucky day....I just saw a situation that sparked this blog.


What is this?

Entitlement must be a new cats gig, because my entire premise for being, is based on getting what I get only because I earned it. Raises in the career place, respect from those around me, opportunities spawned from working hard! How is it that we have begun to see that people demand the things they want first, only because they simply believe they deserve it. Nothing done at this point to deserve it, and get upset when they don't get what they think they are entitled to. Or, worse yet those around these indviduals who perpetuate this idea in them! Was this instilled in them at birth? I have one of the strongest work ethics of anyone I know, it doesn't make me better than those around me, almost worse. I tend to feel guilty for taking any time off for myself, I work so hard, and so do my Friends and Family. I digress on the previous two statements as that is a topic I am sure i will get to in a later blog!

Just saying, with the decline of hard work and the rise of entitlement, so goes the intangible traits like character, dependability and ethics. Not to mention the tangible traits like production, results or goals. Come on people rewards are just that, rewards, only certain individuals are deserving of them, not entitled. To say I am entitled to something(fill in whatever that something may be) is almost an oxymoron.....right?

Keep Rollin'

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