Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Dog and Pony Show

Why is it whenever the structure of our jobs change, the new circus rolls into town with their new ideas, which by the way were the new ideas at one point of their predecesors! What great ideas we are made to believe, one team is what we are, they say! Why must our first focus to change be to entertain the politics of such changes. Stroke some egos, theirs and ours by the way, have unecessary and unfocused conversatons about goals we will never obtain? I am all for change, I understand it is inevtable in all areas of our lives, but why must it be built up to a point of empty collaboration! You may need validation in your professional lives, I do not! I happen to think I conduct my duties well, I accepet the change in the areas of my job adapt to it. I don't like politic, I have never played politics...nor do I know how to.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Which way did they go?

Why do people in our lives, more than others, always are the first to tell you I can help, or you should have asked me! Why are these people always the last to actually help you, but are the first ones to ask you for help? Seems like a simple solution would be to tell them to fuck off, right?! Yet, most of these people are my superiors. Entertaining as it may be to see them squirm when making ridiculous decisions when they have no background to rely on. Whenver they need you, theres no place to hide, yet when you need them, they log off, close up there computers, lock their office leave the building and turn off all cell phones. A bit exaggerated but illustrates my point. It just reinforces the idea that shit will always rund to the lowest point, and no matter how hard you try to brush it out of your lap, you just end up with it all over your hands and legs. I am not sure at what point our superiors began needing more of our help to do their job then we need from them to do ours. Who is leading the pack and which direction is the pack going?


Monday, March 22, 2010

(4 of 4) made all for the sake of egos..never good business buy awesome people watching...peace
(3 of 4) they have no knowledge of what they just did, only that they are big heroes in the eyes of someone. Definitely not the subordinates. Poor decisions
(2 of 4) subordinates and THEN they attempt to justify and rationalize these outrageous decisions to the subordinates, just to save their own egos. Best of all
(1 of 4) I absolutely love it when our superiors make certain decisions in our business, especially when they were already reviewed and denied by their

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Two of a Kind

Here's a nice little fun topic, weird though. Paired items, you know like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, ketchup and mustard. Why do some items get first billing while others only second billing? I have often debated this topic with friends...it stirs quite a conversation I must say.

Is one more important? Some of us may just like one, but does just one exist without the other? Shoes and socks, this is an interesting one, socks go on first but shoes get the first billing. For the women, bra and pantes...equal billing though for men..:)Think of all the other items out there we pair up in their use.

See what kinds of conversatons you can stir up with this wacky topic. What other items out there in the world are hoggig the spotlight while their mate is off in the shadows


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Move Biaatchhh get out da Way!!!!!!!!

I love the people in your life who are the first to stand up and declare, I am the one who has the answers you seek!

WRONG! Once you hit them with what you want, oh, uh wait I am not really the person to be asking. I definitely want all of the credit, and I am awesome at what I do, really. But, I don't want to have to prove it!

Fucking Jokes!

Why does it only take one person to accept all the credit, but so many other(including the credit monger) to screw it all up! Why do some assign others to solve issues, and everything gets fucked up, and no one knows who, out of the plethora of hands, is the best person to go to DIRECTLY to help solve it....really?! Whether it be work, or a mechanic or grocery store..you know what FUCK IT! If you are the person people depend on to get them answers, get them the answers or point them in the right direction and get the Fuck out of their way. If you can't assist then get the fuck out of the way. If you are not part of of or willing to be part of the solution...fuck off!

I personally am not the kind of person who suffers fools...if you can't help me after you assured me you were the one, then overt your eyes and do not speak to me. You are of no use!!! Get it?

Peace out and Fuck Off!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Am Therfore I am Entitled

Its your lucky day....I just saw a situation that sparked this blog.


What is this?

Entitlement must be a new cats gig, because my entire premise for being, is based on getting what I get only because I earned it. Raises in the career place, respect from those around me, opportunities spawned from working hard! How is it that we have begun to see that people demand the things they want first, only because they simply believe they deserve it. Nothing done at this point to deserve it, and get upset when they don't get what they think they are entitled to. Or, worse yet those around these indviduals who perpetuate this idea in them! Was this instilled in them at birth? I have one of the strongest work ethics of anyone I know, it doesn't make me better than those around me, almost worse. I tend to feel guilty for taking any time off for myself, I work so hard, and so do my Friends and Family. I digress on the previous two statements as that is a topic I am sure i will get to in a later blog!

Just saying, with the decline of hard work and the rise of entitlement, so goes the intangible traits like character, dependability and ethics. Not to mention the tangible traits like production, results or goals. Come on people rewards are just that, rewards, only certain individuals are deserving of them, not entitled. To say I am entitled to something(fill in whatever that something may be) is almost an oxymoron.....right?

Keep Rollin'

Working for the weekend

Ever stop to wonder, how did we end up with a five day work week? Why not four or three? Who decided that the best time of the week, the weekend must be the shortest part of the week?

Why must work be the longest part of the week! Forcing us to use our vacation time to shorten the work week and lengthen our weekend...what a waste of vacation time. If we worked less we would have more vacation to use for other things rather than the five day work week!

I call for a revolution, a rising up of all ranks from the lowest of totem pole to the top of the ladder, we can all unite as this is a cause we can all believe in....I say we demand a shorter work week as we have neglected the weekend long enough. lets stop treating the weekend like the proverbial red headed step child!

Wow this one kinda got away form me, but I think I impressed myself!

Take it as you can get it!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I got Five On It!

Today my first born turned FIVE!

FIVE! Already, Where does the time go, first words, first steps, preschool and now Kindergarten!

Tomorrow, it will be middle school, High School, Driver's License...I can't think beyond that. She is such a wonderful little girl, very pleasant, considerate and always the life of the party, I can take some lessons from this one.

Who know one day I just may wake up and realize I am have become a better person. Much better than she has made me thus far.

Happy Fifth Birthday to my little Girlie Bird...the light of my eye, and the spark in my day!!

Rock it out!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Round and Round We Go

Ever find yourself in the unique positon to see how a situation is going to end?

Whether it be because you have been involved in so many similiar situaton before and know how they ended, or you know how it will end because you know the person making he decisions so well? Yet, those involved make you take unnecessary steps, steps you know that have do nothing but prolong the real ending, the ending you have seen come so many times before! Steps that only draw out the process for so many involved causing those involved to seek other avenues to arrive at the inevitable, even though you approach the situation with the intentions of arriving at the oh so typical end and yet, they still feel obligated to stick to the original decision! All the while you know when it is all said and done, when all the conversations are had, all the questions are answered and 8 people(6 more than needed) have been drawn into the situation and their time wasted, that what you originally had pitched in the first place will be revived and all will rejoice in the best decision they had ever heard.

ahhh...the strings that get pulled

Happy Monday!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Turn on and Tune in

Uh Oh, the pressure has risen, one follower so the expectations have increased. You will not be disappointed sir. Thank You.

Ever try explaining something to someone or been providing clarification on an issue and the entire time the person you are talking to is sooo obviously not getting it, you can tell they are almost there but not quite. It is like trying to tune into a bad radio station! Music...no wait static...twisting the Knob(do radios have knobs anymore) back and forth static music music static! The more you try to tune them in the more frustrating it becomes but, the more effort you put into it, throwing examples at them to illustrate the explanation, the more animated you become, static...music twist twist!!!

This situation describes a typical day in my professional life....any one else experience this? Does any one else understand? Am I making myself clear...or o I need to twist the Knob a bit more.

LOL..tune in next time

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Leap Frog

Day two...no followers, but that fine. Patience

What a day, the morning commute to work, or leap frog as I call it. Where everyone in the right hand lane speed by you just to cut you off! An extra two seconds saved in their life, I wish my life was so important I had to save every second I could at any cost!

Spent the day, my concerns with it will come soon enough, remember patience. Cruised home to spend some time out in the driveway with chalk and the the futures most aspiring artist, my son. I call him Rabbit(he hops everywhere). Besides its cheap labor, you get a someone out to color your driveway and see how much it costs...

Anyways, my plans for the weekend were made this evening, no not my my wife! But by my garage door, spring broke..not spring break(I wish) but the tension spring broke. Soooo handy man to the rescue. r as it usually plays out, I screw it up worse and then we call in the professionals.

Done and Done!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Good, Bad and Ugly

Hopefully my previous blog intrigued enough readers(if there is or will be any) to either, check out my blog from time to time to see what else I am spitting out or just to see what idiotic topics I am spewing. I will take either or.

I can say I am at a point in my life where I am ready to share the good, bad and ugly sides of life I have experience in my 30 some years. Life lessons, and the lack there of. Stories of work, friends, relationships and family. Sometime, although not identified as such, just thoughts and observations I have had throughout life, a personal perspective on issue that I am sure you have experienced.

Not sure how often I will post, some days more than others. My hope is, this will become an additional outlet of of communication for me, as I have come to the realization, some people are great in person, or good on paper, me? I am better via electronic communications.

Wish me Luck, Rock it Out!


Ahhh...How times have changed!

I find myself in my later 30's and I was exercising a couple of days ago when I realized that this was my fourth workout that week.

You see, in my twenties, as I am sure most of you did, I spent most of my time in a different type of club! You know the ones, low lights, drinks and awkward advances.

Now, I spend the about the same amount of time in a different type of club, you know these as well, as mentioned previously, these are the ones that are over lit, almost as crowded and just as overpriced to frequent them.

If you are like me, the time spent at these clubs are strictly for loosing your twenties.

With this said, I often wonder why it is as we get older we trade one thing for another, very rarely is the latter better than the previous. Now I could list of some things to support this statement, however I think I will allow you to fill in these gaps!

Rock it out!