Thursday, December 15, 2011


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day Walker

My wife is a nurse, she has always worked in the NICU. She is not only an awesome wife but one hell of a nurse. She has always worked nights, which has been awesome in some respects, such as when she is not working she handles our sick children and i can sleep for workband vice versa. But on the reverse, she works nights and always has.

Well...she has been offered a day position, which is awesome. But this presents a whole new dynamic. We have never existed on the same plane, plane being working the same shift. Can it be done...hell yes, I will do yet I need to to make this work. Twelve years on nights, sleeping during the day..ha ha ha, and surviving on four hours of sleep is done. Out with the casket, the garlic and stakes, the vampire is no more, welcomed with open arms is Day walker.


Friday, July 15, 2011

The web is spun - 07/15/2011

Staring aimlessly at my Aunt, but actually more at nothing, is a distant spot in my head I hear the echo of my Aunt, "You didn't know?" "You didn't know!" "Wow, there is an all time low, they always said you knew, so I never thought of bringing it up" "Come to think of it, it kind of makes sense you didn't know, all of the late night conversations, the issues they case and this never came to light." I could not think of anything else to say but " Is he my Father?!" You see, coming from a traditional Christian Family, children were not to be had out of wedlock, and if so were not looked upon too kindly, as was I. I grew up always wondering why my grandmother always seem to hold some contempt for me, I always thought it was because she had a hard time relating since I was the only boy born into a family of women. Now some things just made more sense now. Could the contempt be because my Grandfather was not my Grandfather at all. Being a young Mother, and completly dependant upon my Grandmother, it was decided, more by my Grandmother that I be put up for adoption. I had not known this until I was a teenager, what else I found out was that my Grandparents,by the time I was born had married, they wanted to adopt me. Which always made me curious as to why I was never welcomed into the family as my mothers Son, but welcomed with open arms as my Grandparents son. To this day, more so out of defiance for the control my Grandmother exerted over my Mother, she backed out and chose to raise me herself, as her Son. But even so, so many questons have been raised to no resolve each queston only lead to more questions and fewer answers.

How had this all happened, and who exactly is my Father?

Keeping it in the family-07/14/2011

In the beginning....

Surprisingly, this idea began when I was thirty three years old during a game of Texas Hold 'em with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. The alcohol was flowing the cards were being delt and as usual, the conversation turns to those in our family who we find ourselves most guarded against.

For us, unfortunately, it is our Parents, for my Aunt it is my Grandmother, my Uncles, he does not care. Now, these relatons are not independent of one another, as these people in our Family cause great angst and pain for all of us in their own way.To be fair to them, our conversaton only is directed this way because it is my Wife's fable attempt to understand these people we guard ourseleves against, bless her heart.

At one point during the conversation my Wife turns to my Aunt and asks, "how did your mother come to marry Chris' Grandfather, he was like 20 years younger than her?"

Reasonable question, no doubt, my Wife was fairly new to the intimate details our family tree.

My Aunt flipidly remarks, as she looks to me for confirmation, "Well your mother was not going to take care of him!" The alcohol must have taken its hold, because it took a minute to register both to myself and my Wife. "What do you mean," she exclaims, I don't understand?" My Aunt declares, still looking at me, well, she was married to him...twice!"

Now, in hearing this my head begins to swim with all the memories of childhood and young adulthood, and my Aunt could tell, despite all of the things that our family had put us through, the stories, the lies, that this was not a piece of information I had been privy to before now, I in fact could offer no confirmation.

I sat stunned staring back at my Aunt, as she sat stunned shaking her head at my own ignorance...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thanks for calling customer service why should I help you

Here is a repetitive issue we can all relate too...

Ever feel like you are bothering. The customer service rep when you call to straighten out a mistake their company made?! Or, here is a better one, having to assist the rep in doing their job first, so they can then figure out hoe to resolve the original know, your issue.

What has happened? Really! Especially for those of us who have customer service related jobs, like me. Is that the issue is our expectation is set too high based on the service we provide in our careers?

Or the ultimate, they get upset with you because you get upset with them for not knowing how to so their jobs or resolve yours...or say it is resolved when in fact it is not and we have to call back and re-explain the issue to another competant rep...HOW DARE US!! WE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF OURSELVES!

I dedicated this blog to the customer service rep who thought she hung up when calling me a Dick.

Remember I wasn't a Dick the first 5 times I called...


The "Ring" Leader

How is it that the smallest things in life affect us the most, yet we are told not to sweat the small things. Huh? I believe it is the small things, good and bad define our very being, they build character...

For example today I garnish a small piece of "precious" metal. Precious not because it is precious because of all the things it has come to mean over the last eight years. Love, companionship, a foundation for the future, a future for not only myself but for my spouse and now our children.

Today I am adorned with my wedding ring for the first time in seven months. For reasons only known to the readers of this blog...all three of them...LOL.

It is amazing just how much I missed this "small" thing, or how Much it reminds me of just how far I have come in not only personally but within my marriage, So I say..sweat the small things in life because it is these small things that allow us to enjoy those other little things.

Thanks Babe, it fits better than it ever has!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm sorry your apologies please

So what the hell is it with people in the world?! Has it become a standard rule that no one can say , oh I am so sorry. I was wrong! I am sorry I thought you had done something completely incorrect. But hell know, when you are accused of doing something wrong but due to information, this jack nut forgot to take into account complete exonerated you, is there an apology? Fuck no!!! Why is that, isn't that what being an adult and a professional means? To have some integrity and humility in certain situations despite if you are wrong or right?

Well, I am sorry for you sir! I do have the integrity and the humility to offer my Apologies to you, I am sorry you are a fuck stick who really knows shit about shit!!!

My Regards to the world

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Birthday

Well today is my Birthday, do I feel older and wiser? Hell no! Actually as I have gotten older I have discovered that there is still more wrong with me, baggage carried over a lifetime, and physical issues begin to present themselves as well. My body is becoming a bowl of rice krispies...snap crackle and POP.

Life keeps coming at you and I begin to realize my Arsenal is not as equipped to deal with it as I thought was, I damn sure are finding it harder to wield my weaponry at life successfully! How to teach my kids how to handle life successfully when I feel like I am still failing at it.

Birthdays are important days, reminders thY you have become no older, less successful and damn sure less effective in you life. So, here's to Birthdays, an ever present reminder they really allows us to look at our lives and take stock of the poor choices, ideas and actions of your past and to look forward to better ones

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The circle of life....

The circle of life was discovered the form of a roller rink and a six year olds birthday party.

Gliding across the floor wind in your hair weaving between the little kids, or maybe you were the one who escorted a three year old across the rink, rolling very slow trying to keep your balance all the while trying not to let the three year old fall.

What a day, what an awesome day. A day where six year olds got to be a little more grown up an well, a day where grown ups got to be a kid. Both side by side on wheels rolling along having fun together. For at least two hours, everyone, despite their age found the fun inside them.

It been a while since I posted, but to my,surprise, some people told me they missed the posts...that's guys