Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Birthday

Well today is my Birthday, do I feel older and wiser? Hell no! Actually as I have gotten older I have discovered that there is still more wrong with me, baggage carried over a lifetime, and physical issues begin to present themselves as well. My body is becoming a bowl of rice krispies...snap crackle and POP.

Life keeps coming at you and I begin to realize my Arsenal is not as equipped to deal with it as I thought was, I damn sure are finding it harder to wield my weaponry at life successfully! How to teach my kids how to handle life successfully when I feel like I am still failing at it.

Birthdays are important days, reminders thY you have become no older, less successful and damn sure less effective in you life. So, here's to Birthdays, an ever present reminder they really allows us to look at our lives and take stock of the poor choices, ideas and actions of your past and to look forward to better ones

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