Friday, July 15, 2011

The web is spun - 07/15/2011

Staring aimlessly at my Aunt, but actually more at nothing, is a distant spot in my head I hear the echo of my Aunt, "You didn't know?" "You didn't know!" "Wow, there is an all time low, they always said you knew, so I never thought of bringing it up" "Come to think of it, it kind of makes sense you didn't know, all of the late night conversations, the issues they case and this never came to light." I could not think of anything else to say but " Is he my Father?!" You see, coming from a traditional Christian Family, children were not to be had out of wedlock, and if so were not looked upon too kindly, as was I. I grew up always wondering why my grandmother always seem to hold some contempt for me, I always thought it was because she had a hard time relating since I was the only boy born into a family of women. Now some things just made more sense now. Could the contempt be because my Grandfather was not my Grandfather at all. Being a young Mother, and completly dependant upon my Grandmother, it was decided, more by my Grandmother that I be put up for adoption. I had not known this until I was a teenager, what else I found out was that my Grandparents,by the time I was born had married, they wanted to adopt me. Which always made me curious as to why I was never welcomed into the family as my mothers Son, but welcomed with open arms as my Grandparents son. To this day, more so out of defiance for the control my Grandmother exerted over my Mother, she backed out and chose to raise me herself, as her Son. But even so, so many questons have been raised to no resolve each queston only lead to more questions and fewer answers.

How had this all happened, and who exactly is my Father?

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