Thursday, May 29, 2014

Humans beware! For mutants are in fact real. For I am the prof

Blah Blah Cancer, Blah Blah I have it...yes, yes we know.

Yet, curious as to how I got it...hmmmm, it is may be pretty interesting to know. Let's begin with excluding the leading causes of my type of cancer, Hurthle Cell Carcinoma. Now this is in fact a type of thyroid cancer, but this cancer. being malignant has spread to my lungs affecting them a well.

So, am I a smoker? Sure an occasional cigarette throughout my teen years, but never any prolonged usage of tobacco. Okay, we can exclude this as the cause.

Environmental concerns? Nope, I have never lived in or worked directly with any chemicals in prior jobs or n the environments I lived

Well the there must be family history of cancer, that must be the root cause of the cancer, right?

Again no.

In short, the true cause of this cancer is really not known, best medical guestimation is that the DNA in my body has mutated to certain degree creating the carcinoma by very own body I trying to fight off...mutation!!

I am a mutant...Awesome, when do the clause come shooting from my hands, I wake up with Hugh Jackman's six pack abs? Lasers shooting from my eyes, flying invisibility etc.

Come on! How can I, being the only known mutant, advance the human race with a thyroid the size baseball glove coupled with the inability to breathe. No Super villain would fear that. Maybe my super powers will begin to set in a the radiation and chemotherapy continue.

Well world, you will have to wait a bit longer for your true savior, for I am not quite ready to unleash my flurry of bezerker  moves on you yet.

Just some fun reading for thought...


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