Thursday, May 22, 2014

Changing Embrace...

Cancer. I have it. You know it, BOO!

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, we can move on to the real topic of this, You. You, who have brought us food, mowed our lawn, provided child care and not to overlook the prayers thoughts and well wishes from You.

As mentioned in prior posts, as a result of how I was raised, my embrace on life has at best been suspicious, towards anything and usually mostly towards other. As positive as I would try to remain, suspicions towards the circumstances always lingered. It was engrained into me early on and had a huge hold  on my life.

I looked t life as something I had to navigate as one would due so a mind field, cautious of people I interacted with on a daily basis. Never believing that these very same people had sincere intentions and honest goals to achieve.

Longer story short, I have always considered myself lesser of a good person than I considered others. Always curious as to how I can elevate myself to the same level and show others I can be a better person, that I am not this cynical suspicious person I was groomed to be. Trust me, it took a lot of observation, implementation of things that I saw work for others, patience...more patience and most importantly recognizing what worked and when to implement the positives.

I took examples from all levels of friends co-workers and what little family I could draw from. Improvements as a co-worker were the first to present themselves, then as a husband and most importantly a Father.

Later, as these measures became easier to recognize and implement based on what I was seeing from those around me, I realized it was getting easier to implement these attributes. Then, it dawned  on me, unbeknownst to myself I realized that I had unsuspectedly surrounded myself with a wonderful group of people, people who had so much to offer those around them, myself included.

My point being, my embrace on life has undergone a significant change, replaced by a changing embrace towards life and other in my life.

Cancer...I got it and it sucks right now,

What doesn't suck is the magnitude of people who have come to the aide of my situation, great people who have made themselves know in so  many ways, offering any and all services to us.

I my have embraced life in the past as a person less than others, but now I realize that I have successfully navigated my way through these prior life situations with my friends and family as my compass.

I have been forever changed, not by cancer, but by the actions I have been blessed with from others. These actions have cemented the idea that I have elevated myself to another level of person, friend, husband and father.

It has been a completely eye opening experience, to see first hand and direct result of just how amazing people can be to others, without suspicion or hidden agendas. I will never be able to adequately express the gratitude I have to all of you for your offers of services in our current predicament and mostly of prior situations that allowed me to grow and develop as a person.

All of you have forever changed my embrace on life, for the best it can be, and this journey is no where near completed.

Knowing awesome people makes it easy to become better people....for me, all of you are these awesome people!!!



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