Saturday, May 1, 2010

Won't you be my Neighbor?

My house is located in a cul-de-sac, my backyard is adjacent to several other neighbors’ backyards and we all share a fence line. Everyone respects one another’s yards, we wave, make small talk. The usual neighborly exchanges. As you have guessed to this point, there is the exception! An older women, in her 60's who I have found constantly at my fence, well her fence too, but have found this bitch at my fence numerous times feeding my dogs, giving them treats, molesting them! Then has the nerve to call the older of the two dogs Barkley! Our older dogs, though the pain in the ass she may be, does tend to bark at people she does not know...hmmm strange lady at our fence ALL THE FUCKING time? Does that qualify? I think the ole og is justified. Then she has a daughter who is about my age who swings through a few times a week with her mutt, oh...the ole bag has since gotten a dog since we have been here, and let me tell never shuts the hell up!!! EVER! So then I have both of them at my fence molesting our dogs, hanging their dogs over the fence for our dogs and theirs to get to know one another. Where's the neighborly etiquette with these two bitches?! All week long I have let my dogs out, they come to the fence start their bull shit and I have to bring them in. This has gone on for almost four years. So I know what your thinking, and for those of you who know are thinking to yourself, he hasn't said anything to them yet?! Well, this past Thursday I did! I politely asked the Daughter, as she was the only one out, to please leave our dogs alone....we should not have to worry about letting our dogs out in our own backyard...blah blah blah. Now keep in mind, the daughter is my age or older, maybe forty? Now I stuck to the neighborly etiquette I and my other neighbors...who by the way have never even acknowledged my dogs, so graciously show one another and remained polite, thanked them for there interest in the dogs and walked away. This whore, tells me to go “Fuck myself”, looked at her dogs and said “let’s go inside, Dick here doesn't want us touching his dogs!" I apologized again for the inconvenience, and she stomps off up her deck and exclaims "I'm gonna go tell my Mom!" Really? WTF! Are we ten years old!! Fucking whores.

So, won't you be my neighbor?


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