Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way to the lake 22 years ago!

So there was a period in my past where I was what I thought, was "really" into mountain biking...not so much. I love riding, and have done so in the recent past. But not so much on trails and backwoods. Anyway, on to the lake I go with three of my really good friends to a local lake area that is known for great trails and great off road adventures. Spring break is here, we are packed and convoying east for a weekend of fun. One of us have a really horrible cold but soldiers on cause it promises to be a great time. Fast forward to the campsite, one of us is drugged on cold medicine, and the rest drunk on beer. The, the snow comes, light snow thats all an we decide to hit the tents to get some rest for our early morning jaunts. At this moment we realize one of our friends did not bring the tent heater, "why would we need it, it is spring break he says.... besides we are men, we can tough it out legitimate argument, I agree. All I remember s that at some point in the night I wake up completely frozen to the bone, so much so that I sneak out to sleep in my car, heater on full blast, I am a man, and a warm one at this point. Not long after this my manhood was re-established amongst the group when I was awoken to a knock at the door of my car. One of the other friends was begging to me in my warm bliss. I stretched out in the rear of the S-10, he in the front passenger seat...

By morning, we all traded in our manhood for a seat in a warm idling vehicle, 2 feet of snow and ice on the ground and high school kids screaming across the campground and chopping at a park tree...

what were they doing? one of them were chopping down a tree to build a fire to cook the goose, another kid was chasing around the campground with a very huge rock, no boulder. A rock so large he can almost not hold it up over his head as he walks fastly behind this honking creature tossing the rock at it.

Our trip was cut short due to weather, it ended up that these kids had come out to the lake to spend the entre week there over spring break, without any supplies, no tents, sleeping bags, FOOD. Nothing. We offered them what was left of ours, before we left.

We even gave a ride to one of them to a pay phone, to call for a ride. Yes, they had no car, he had to call his Dad to come get them early. One thing that didn't make sense to us, not that the hunting and gathering techniques and lack of supplies made absolutely no sense to us sure, but that he was so concerned with getting to a phone to call his Dad to come get him. As a parent, with surprise snow and ice overnight, wouldn't you just go get them...

Can ya dg it? I know you can and will!

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